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Monday, October 18, 2010

Flawed to say the least

I am taking a political science class for my general education and the professor is amazing and has opened my eyes to a lot of things going on in this country. For one of the projects I am researching the federal budget. I knew that there was a substantial amount of money being used for Security but I had no idea how much. I am amazed to see the about two-thirds of the budget is allocated for our country's security and only one-third is split between everything else, including education and health care which are a huge deal to me personally. The proposed budget will put more money toward security next year, and less toward where we need it. By the way, a substantial amount of that money includes what we pay to other countries to help them. WOW, we seriously give more money to other countries than we spend on our own. WTF!!

On a brighter note..or should I say a HIGHER note,  I registered the other day so that I can participate in the upcoming election. I have never really cared to vote before, but this one is big. My husband and I plan to vote YES on Prop 19 in California. Marijuana should be legal! I don't like the government taxing it, but I would rather it be taxed  than illegal and at least that is a step forward. I am so sick of feeling like I am committing a crime for smoking something that inhibits me less that alcohol! Unfortunately, from what I have heard, the federal government is not going to stand for the legalization and will fight back, arresting citizens in California, even if by California state law it is as legal as alcohol. When will they admit they are wrong about marijuana? Enough is enough!

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